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Yasin Mimir

Yasin Mimir

Senior Economist, Economic and Market Analysis

Yasin Mimir is a Senior Economist at the Economic and Market Analysis division at the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). 

Before joining the ESM, he worked in different positions at the Monetary Policy and Financial Stability Departments of the Central Bank of Norway, recently being a Principal Economist in the Modelling division. He also worked as a Research Economist at the Central Bank of Turkey. Mr Mimir served as an external expert at the IMF and as a member of the Research Task Force Macro Modelling work stream at the BIS. He held visiting research fellowships at the BIS and the Federal Reserve Board.

Mr Mimir received his PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland in the US and his current work mainly focuses on monetary and macroprudential policies, banking and international finance. He has published his work in several academic journals including International Journal of Central Banking, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, and B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics.

List of publications

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My blog entries

Geoeconomic fragmentation
Capital flows
External financing
Geoeconomic fragmentation looms over euro area financial stability_Blog Image_1540x1027
Economic and Market Analysis
Gergely Hudecz
Alexandre Lauwers
Yasin Mimir

Geoeconomic fragmentation looms over euro area financial stability

Financial stability
Macroeconomic imbalances
A more resilient euro area navigates financial imbalances and macroeconomic instability-1540
Chief Economist Department
Economic and Market Analysis
Yasin Mimir
Lorenzo Ricci

A more resilient euro area navigates financial imbalances and macroeconomic instability

My discussion papers

DP 23 cover

Geoeconomic fragmentation: Implications for the euro area and ASEAN+3 regions

My working papers

WP 64 cover

Financial imbalances and macroeconomic tail risks: A structural regime-switching investigation

WP 57 cover

Fear (no more) of Floating: Asset Purchases and Exchange Rate Dynamics

WP 56 cover

Leaning against persistent financial cycles with occasional crises