Title: Fear (no more) of Floating: Asset Purchases and Exchange Rate Dynamics
Download PDF: Working Paper 57
This paper studies the impact of local-currency asset purchases by emerging market economy central banks on financial conditions, capital flows and exchange rates, and the implications for conventional monetary policy.
Authors: Yasin Mimir (ESM), Enes Sunel (OECD)
We provide a theory on currency dynamics, capital flows and conditions for emerging market economy central bank asset purchases to leave room for manoeuvre for conventional monetary policy. Local-currency asset purchases ease financial conditions and boost banks’ foreign borrowing capacity. Therefore, they curb the financial amplification of government bond sell-off shocks by mitigating private sector capital outflows and the accompanying exchange rate depreciation. The resulting limited rise in inflation reduces the pro-cyclicality of conventional monetary policy. Our framework sheds light on stable exchange rate dynamics observed after the unprecedented asset purchase announcements in emerging-market economies during the COVID-19 crisis.
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Keywords: Asset purchases, exchange rate, conventional monetary policy
JEL codes: E62, E63, G21