Alessandra Donini
Alessandra Donini is a Senior Economist in the Financial Sector and Market Analysis division at the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).
Before joining the ESM, she worked at the Central Bank of Malta as Senior Economist within the Stress Testing and Risk Models division in the Financial Stability department. At the central bank, she contributed as stress testing expert to the IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program to Malta and acted as national expert in ESCB working groups in stress testing with a particular focus on macro-financial scenarios design and credit risk modelling.
Ms Donini holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Mannheim (Germany), a master in Economics from University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) and a Master in Finance from the University of Brescia (Italy), where she also completed her undergraduate studies. Her main research interests centre on financial stability, in particular modelling for banking sector stress testing .