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Staff statement following the third post-programme mission to Greece

Press releases

Staff statement following the third post-programme mission to Greece


Staff from the European Commission, in liaison with staff from the European Central Bank, visited Athens from 6 to 8 May for the third post-programme mission to Greece.[1] Staff from the IMF participated in the context of in the context of the 2019 Article IV Consultation cycle. Staff from the European Stability Mechanism participated in the context of its Early Warning System. The findings of the mission will feed into the upcoming enhanced surveillance report.
The mission held discussions on the key challenges facing the Greek economy. This included discussions on the fiscal situation and outlook following the release of 2018 outturns and the adoption of Greece’s Stability Programme. In this context, the mission took note of the announcement of new measures, which will be assessed with a view to compliance with agreed fiscal targets and consistency with Greece’s post-programme commitments to the Eurogroup. The mission also took stock on the state of play regarding the general commitment to continue and complete the key reforms launched under the programme, and in particular on progress with implementation of the 15 specific reform commitments for mid-2019 annexed to the Eurogroup statement of June 2018. Close dialogue on economic policy challenges and priorities will continue going forward.
[1] ECB Staff participated in the mission in accordance with the ECB’s competences and thus provided expertise on financial sector policies and macro-critical issues, such as headline fiscal targets and sustainability and financing needs.


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