Safety measures concerning the Coronavirus COVID-19. Read more about the measures.

Juliana Dahl

Juliana Dahl

Principal Speechwriter and Spokesperson, Communications

Juliana Dahl is Principal Speechwriter and Spokesperson in the Communication division within the Secretary General Department. She joined the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) in May 2018. On leave from the ESM, she worked as Speechwriter at the Office of the Federal President of Germany in 2021.

Previously, Mrs Dahl worked in the European institutions department at the European Central Bank as well as in the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs and in the Spokesperson Service of the European Commission. She also worked as Public Relations Manager at CHANEL.

Mrs Dahl graduated with a B.A. in Management and International Economics from the Bocconi University and the Central European University in Budapest. She obtained a M.Sc. in European Economics from the Maastricht University and the Catholic University Louvain-La-Neuve. She also holds a B.A. in Marketing and Communication. Further, Mrs Dahl holds a post-graduate advanced research certificate in International Economic Policy from the Kiel Institution of World Economy.

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My blog entries

The Blog Team
Juliana Dahl
George Matlock

Two Years of the ESM Blog

My managed blogs

Capital markets union
Financial markets
Unlocking capital-Image 1540x1027
Financial Sector and Market Analysis
Loukas Kaskarelis
Arndt-Gerrit Kund
Mathias Skrutkowski
Juan Solé

Unlocking capital markets for everyone: A union for the common good

Safe assets
pricing resilience-1540x1027
Chief Economist
Chief Operating Officer
Economic and Market Analysis
Kalin Anev Janse
Gergely Hudecz
Rolf Strauch

The pricing resilience of European safe assets

Crisis prevention
Financial sector
Predicting trouble 1540x1027
Financial Sector and Market Analysis
Alessandra Donini
Giulia Fusi
Mattia Picarelli

Predicting trouble: a new analytical tool to monitor bank asset quality