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Jeroen Dijsselbloem to advise the ESM

Press releases
The ESM has appointed Jeroen Dijsselbloem as strategic advisor to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Mr Dijsselbloem will hold this position as an external service provider to the ESM until the end of his term as Eurogroup President. The ESM will provide Mr Dijsselbloem with an office and logistical support during this transition period, during which he will remain Chairperson of the ESM Board of Governors. In line with the ESM's standard contracts for external service providers, Mr Dijsselbloem will be remunerated during this time.

ESM Managing Director Klaus Regling said: "Jeroen Dijsselbloem has been a key personality both in euro area policy making and in our own development as the permanent crisis prevention mechanism over the last five years. Following his departure as Dutch Finance Minister, Jeroen has agreed to provide us with his exceptional experience and insights. This contract is for a limited time but it coincides with an important moment for the ESM's future development."

This arrangement will take effect the day Mr Dijsselbloem leaves his position as Dutch finance minister.


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