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ESM becomes signatory of United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment

Press releases
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Media Name: un-pri_signing_20200227_slider.jpg

The European Stability Mechanism is proud to announce having signed the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). The PRI is recognised as the leading global network for investors committed to integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into their investment practices.

Klaus Regling, Managing Director of the ESM, said: “We consider that adhering to the Principles for Responsible Investment is an important and positive step forward in our institution‐wide ESG efforts.”

The preparatory work to apply to the PRI began one year ago for the ESM. As a PRI signatory, the ESM will include ESG criteria within its investment processes. The ESM also intends to collaborate with peer institutions to further promote sustainable investment practices.

Kalin Anev Janse, Chief Financial Officer of the ESM, said: “The high credit quality and liquidity of the ESM’s paid‐in capital will be upheld, while incorporating ESG criteria into our investment analysis. This will enrich our investment approach, with the aim of contributing positively towards a more sustainable economy.”

Fiona Reynolds, Chief Executive Officer of PRI, said: “We are delighted to welcome the ESM to the PRI, and their commitment to ensuring that ESG issues play a significant role across the organisation’s investment strategies.”

Since 2006, more than 2,900 investors have signed up to the PRI, from over 50 countries representing over US $90 trillion in assets under management.


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