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EFSF raises €2 billion in tap of 2026 bond

Press releases
Luxembourg - The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) on Wednesday raised €2 billion in a tap of its 31 May 2026 bond. With this transaction, the EFSF has completed its funding needs for the year.

“Today’s transaction marked a successful finale to the EFSF’s funding programme for 2016. It enabled us to increase the size of the 2026 bond, which provides more liquidity for investors, at a rate that is favourable for our programme countries,” said Siegfried Ruhl, EFSF head of funding.

The tap of the 0.40% bond brings the total size of the issue to €5 billion. The spread was fixed at mid-swaps minus 19 basis points, implying a reoffer yield of 0.218%.

Lead managers for the transaction were Commerzbank, HSBC and Nomura. The total order book was over €4.2 billion.


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