Newsroom301 Press releases Press conferences Speeches Interviews Articles and Op-eds Videos and photos ESM Kalin Anev Janse "Navigating a changing world" - Presentation by Kalin Anev Janse Rolf Strauch Can the new fiscal fiscal framework handle rising geopolitical uncertainty Rolf Strauch Climate change and financial stability - "ESM Youth Talk" presentation by Rolf Strauch Wo steht Europa? Steigende Staatsverschuldung und ihre Folgen - Rede von Pierre Gramegna Pierre Gramegna Where does Europe stand? Rising national debt and its consequences for Europe - speech by Pierre Gramegna Kalin Anev Janse Remarks by Kalin Anev Janse at OMFIF/LBBW Euro SSA Roundtable ESM Kalin Anev Janse Strengthening Europe together: Bulgaria’s path to euro accession - speech by Kalin Anev Janse Francis Dassyras Francis Dassyras at GlobalCapital/LBBW SSA Issuers Roundtable Pierre Gramegna Towards a Savings and Investments Union - remarks by Pierre Gramegna ESM Wim Van Aken Financial markets and economic growth: How is the current geopolitical turmoil affecting the markets Rolf Strauch Climate change and financial stability - presentation by Rolf Strauch Giovanni Callegari "October 2024 Fiscal Monitor – a discussion" - Presentation by Giovanni Callegari Rolf Strauch Geopolitical shocks and geoeconomic fragmentation - presentation by Rolf Strauch Kalin Anev Janse Kalin Anev Janse at the 2024 Financial Street Forum Marialena Athanasopoulou Rolf Strauch The euro at 25 - past challenges, future opportunities Rolf Strauch Demographics and financial stability - presentation by Rolf Strauch Rolf Strauch Fiscal-monetary interactions: lessons from the recent experience - introductory remarks by Rolf Strauch Pierre Gramegna The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next? - keynote by Pierre Gramegna Giovanni Callegari Climate physical shocks risk management: Who picks up the bill? (presentation by Giovanni Callegari) Pierre Gramegna New modes of European macroeconomic governance - opening remarks by Pierre Gramegna More content is coming your way Contacts Cédric Crelo Head of Communications and Chief Spokesperson +352 260 962 205 Anabela Reis Deputy Head of Communications and Deputy Chief Spokesperson +352 260 962 551 Juliana Dahl Principal Speechwriter and Principal Spokesperson +352 260 962 654 Subscribe to ESM news Subscribe to ESM Briefs Subscribe to ESM blog Subscribe to Investor Relations newsletter Social media ESM MD Pierre Gramegna in Athens, 13 - 14 March 2025. #ESMeuroLast week, ESM MD Pierre Gramegna & an ESM delegation were in Athens on an official visit. They discussed geopolitical developments, Greece's economi...
Pierre Gramegna Where does Europe stand? Rising national debt and its consequences for Europe - speech by Pierre Gramegna
ESM Kalin Anev Janse Strengthening Europe together: Bulgaria’s path to euro accession - speech by Kalin Anev Janse
ESM Wim Van Aken Financial markets and economic growth: How is the current geopolitical turmoil affecting the markets
Rolf Strauch Fiscal-monetary interactions: lessons from the recent experience - introductory remarks by Rolf Strauch
Pierre Gramegna The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next? - keynote by Pierre Gramegna
Giovanni Callegari Climate physical shocks risk management: Who picks up the bill? (presentation by Giovanni Callegari)