Katja Lautar
Ms Katja Lautar started working at the Prime Minister's Office of the Republic of Slovenia in 2005, as policy advisor for economic growth and as Secretary of Strategic Committee for Economic Development and Structural Reforms. She was involved in Operative programs for cohesion funds, ERF and ESS. From 2007 to 2008, during Slovenia’s presidency of the EU, she worked as State Secretary (deputy minister) at the Governmental Office for Growth. Later she served as head of Development Policies and Structural Reforms Department in Government Office for Development and European Affairs (2008-2011), working on (post) Lisbon agenda in Slovenia (head of inter-ministerial group). She was also a Deputy Director for budgeting and economic policy structural reform coordination (2011), leader of the governmental development planning working group, national coordinator for implementation of European semester and EU 2020.
Since 2014 Ms Lautar became head of the Department for Public Finances Analysis and Coordination of Economic Policy at the Ministry of Finance, responsible for economic governance, fiscal policy. Since January 2019 Ms Lautar is Director General of the Economic and Fiscal Directorate in the Ministry of Finance. She was State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance during the Presidency of the Council of the EU that the Republic of Slovenia held during the second half of 2021. She is a member of the EU's Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) since January 2019. In 2022 she was elected as a member of the ESM Budget Review and Compensation Committee and as Chair of the EFC Statistical Subcommittee.
Katja Lautar is a graduate of accounting and auditing and holds an MSc degree by the Faculty of Economics of Ljubljana and a PhD in efficiency and econometric evaluation by the Faculty of Management. She also obtained a professor degree at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Ljubljana.
Alternate Director: Ziga Lavric